Heat, Dehydration, and the Risks of Not Staying Cool

With the summer months upon us, it is important to remember to stay cool and to avoid things like becoming dehydrated or experiencing heat stroke. Millions of people fall victim to this on an annual basis and it is easy to have it happen to someone in your family. Whether you are lounging at the beach or spending the day splashing in the pool, planning ahead to avoid dehydration is important. This is why we are giving away a YETI cooler this month. We know that if your drinks are nice and cool there is a better chance of you and your family heading to the cooler and grabbing a water bottle.

In order to avoid dehydration, you and your family need to drink more water than you would on a normal basis. In fact, if you are exercising outdoors in the summer, the CDC recommends that you drink two to four glasses of water per hour. Keep in mind that exercise can also include playing around in the pool or having fun with your friends during a volleyball match.  Exercise doesn’t have to feel like exercise for you to be losing water weight if you sweat it out. Make sure that you always have water bottles handy so that you can replenish what you lose.

Signs of Dehydration

  • Dry mouth, skin, and eyes.
  • Children being fussy, whining, or crying for no explained reason.
  • Confusion.
  • No or little urination.
  • Body aches and pains.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Extreme thirst.

If you notice any signs of dehydration, it is important to drink water immediately and if your symptoms do not alleviate to head to the hospital. You should be particularly diligent with your children since they are very often unable to communicate the full extent of what they are feeling. In rare cases dehydration can lead to long-term health consequences and even to death.

No one plans for dehydration, heat stroke, or any type of accident but they still happen.  With that in mind, when was last time you had your life insurance policy reviewed? Do you have one? Your family is depending on you. If something were to happen to you because of an accident or a sudden illness, you need to make sure that your family is protected and can maintain their current lifestyle. We can help by providing you with a life insurance policy that will take care of your family when you are no longer able to. To learn more call and speak with one of our agents at McDowell Insurance and Financial Services.